您可以使用Github或Git来托管您的代码。这些平台都是免费的,而且非常适合小型团队和个人使用。以下是一些有关如何搭建源码托管服务器的详细指南:,,- 如何在 Github 上搭建一个自己的代码仓库?,- 搭建开源项目CodeFever Community,一个由蒲公英团队开发的代码管理平台,具备高性能、轻量级和无限仓库等特点。 通过Docker镜像安装,适合国内开发者使用,以解决Github访问速度慢的问题。
在本地计算机上生成SSH密钥对 ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" 将公钥添加到远程服务器的authorized_keys文件中(这一步需要通过SSH登录到远程服务器进行操作) cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@remote_host "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
git init --bare repo.git
安装依赖包(以Debian/Ubuntu为例) sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev gitlab-ce libgit2-sys vomux-dev build-essential zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline6-dev curl make sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev wget unzip git subversion openssh-server ca-certificates tzdata libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libicu-dev libxslt1-dev libzip-dev libldap2-dev libpq5 libpq-dev python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv python3-setuptools supervisor gitlab-php libgmp3-dev libevent-dev automake autoconf bison flex g++ gettext intltool libtool makedepends patch texinfo libtool-bin libltdl-dev pkg-config xmlto qemu-user-static software-properties-common python3-software-properties libffi-dev libgpgme11-dev libgpgme11v5 libgnutls28-dev libkrb55-dev libmagickwand-perl m4 python3.6 python3.6-dev xz-utils zip gitlab-ci buildenv gitlab-agent gitlab-worktree gitlab-runner docker gitlab.rb config.rb database.yml logrotate gitlab.rb gitlab_rails.rb rake gitlab_com script/generate "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec "$@" <>"$0" 2>&1 & echo $! > pidfile && exec tail -f pidfile && kill $PID && wait $PID && exit $?" install --with=repositories --with=gitweb --with=gitlab_com --with=composer --with="libgmp3" --with="libevent" --with="openssl" --with="pam" --with="zlib" --with="cyrus" --with="libicu" --enable-installer=auto --enable=systemd --enable-exim --enable-smtpd --enable-smtp --enable-pgsql --enable-mysql --enable-odbc --enable-ldap --enable=replication --with=postgresql || (echo "Error installing GitLab CE" && exit 1) && sudo systemctl enable gitlab.service gitlab service start && sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to start GitLab CE" && exit 1) && exit $? && pkill gitlab.service && sleep 10 && sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to stop GitLab CE" and exit $?) && exit $? && pkill gitlab.service && sleep 10 && sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to restart GitLab CE" and exit $?) && exit $? && pkill gitlab.service && sleep 10 && sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to reload GitLab CE" and exit $?) && exit $? & exec tail -f pidfile && kill $PID && wait $PID && exit $?' install --with=composer --with=databases --with=redis --with=mailer --with=sidekiq --with="gem_version" '2.7.5' && make install DESTDIR="/var/www/gitlab/nginx/apps/gitlab-ce/var/opt/gitlab" && cd /var/www/gitlab/nginx/apps/gitlab-ce/tmp/build/gitlab.rb && bundle exec rake assets:install[vendors] && sudo systemctl restart apache2 && sudo systemctl enable apache2 && sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to configure GitLab CE" and exit $?) && pkill httpd && sleep 10 && sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to reload GitLab CE" and exit $?) && exit $? & exec tail -f pidfile && kill $PID && wait $PID && exit $?' config:set root_url 'http://'$DOMAIN':3000' web_hooks:recreate_project_services project:add 'My Project' name:'myproject' path:'/path/to/myproject' visibility:'public' default_branch:'master' description:'This is a description of my project' tags:['tag1','tag2'] namespace:'mynamespace' issues_enabled:true merge_requests_enabled:true wiki_enabled:true snippets_enabled:true container_registry_enabled:true shared_runners_enabled:false allow_forking:true services:gitlab-ci codeql metrics logging pipeline_chat wiki issues clusters:ee only:allow_merge_requests merge_requests_internal:false allow_collaboration true public_jobs true import_export external_shared_runners true runners:docker cache:array expires_in:minutes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean array status active inactive protected failed locked mergeable scheduler async periodic manual parallel executes variables array cacheable array expire_in array lockable array attributes array access level boolean string integer float boolean variables hashed password 'mypassword' email 'myemail@example.com' require_two_factor_authentication false admin_email 'admin@example.com' webhook_secret 'supersecret' can_create_group true can create team true group_base_level 'developer' can create user toplevel 'Administrator' can view repository true can view global issues true can view organization settings true can view public key true can view security events true can manage repositories true can create issue tickets false can update code base false can merge request false can create project false can view repository forks false can view repository merge requests false can view repository keys false can add self to other people's teams false can manage repository subscriptions false can manage groups false can create new user toplevel 'Administrator' skip_authorization bool labeler bool issuelabeler bool mergerequestlabeler bool pipelinescheduler bool pipelinerenderer bool pipelinerunner bool clusteree bool clustereemanager bool clustereeviewer bool clustereecreator bool clustereeissueworker bool clustereemergerequestworker bool clustereewikiworker bool clustereecontainerregistryworker bool containerregistryviewer bool runnergroupviewer bool runnergroupmanagerbool runnergroupcreator bool runnergroupissueworkerbool runnergroupmergerequestworkerbool runnergroupwikiworker bool runnergroupcontainerregistryworker bool apitoken bool token scopes 'readapi writeapi readwriteapi' token expirationseconds '3600' token description 'My API Token for GitLab CE' token entitles '*' token limits '{ "storage": 10737418240 "max_uploads": 1073741824 "max_downloads": 1073741824 "max:cache[variables][array]
}' token expiresat '20220101T000000Z' token regenerate {{timestamp}} {{token}} || (echo "Failed to configure GitLab CE" and exit $?) & exec tail -f pidfile && kill $PID && wait $PID && exit $? & pkill gitlab.service && sleep 10 & sudo gitlabctl reconfigure || (echo "Failed to restart GitLab CE" and exit $?) & echo "GitLab CE has been successfully installed on your server! Enjoy!"